Everything about the colour Yellow

What do you Know about The Yellow?

  • Yellow

Yellow is a cheery colour, uplifting without being overbearing. In small rooms, it can visually expand the space. Although Yellow is considered an energetic colour, soft, buttery shades can help create a bedroom that is a serene retreat.
Yellow is instantly associated with warmth. If you combine Yellow with other warm colours like red and orange, it can give off excitement and heat.
Yellow can also stimulate mental sharpness because of its kinetic energy. The colour Yellow is also seen as youthful and eager. In fact, joy and happiness are the emotions that the colour Yellow represents for many people in life. Being the most visible colour from a distance, it is often used as a cautionary colour. The colour of sunshine and sunflowers, Yellow is optimistic, playful, and happy.
If your favourite colour is Yellow, you may be highly mentally active and prefer to deal with situations with your mind over your heart. Your personality traits reveal that you are a creative, cheery, fun-loving, optimistic, friendly, and dynamic individual.

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